Passion Project
Todo App - TaskPro
User Authentication
Interactive Navigation
UI Design
Significance of This Project
My journey into full-stack development began with the creation of ToDoApp-TaskPro, a simple yet powerful todo list mobile application developed using React Native and Expo. This project not only marked my first foray into comprehensive app development but also served as a cornerstone for my learning in React Native and mobile application design.
For more info check out my Github.
ToDoApp-TaskPro is a simple todo list mobile application built using React Native and Expo. The app allows users to create and manage their own todo lists, with features such as email verification and password reset using Firebase authentication.
- User authentication: Sign up, sign in, email verification, and password reset functionality.
- Individual todo lists: Each user has their own separate todo list.
- Navigation: Implemented navigation between different screens using React Navigation.
- UI Design: Created a clean and intuitive user interface for managing todo lists.
- Future Implementations: Planned features include login with Apple and Google, camera feature for creating todo lists from images, multiple categories for todo lists, and improved usability.
- React Native
- Expo
- Firebase (Authentication and Firestore)
- React Navigation
A video showcasing the different screens and features of the app can be found in the project showcase folder.
This project was developed as part of my learning journey in React Native and mobile app development. I would like to express my gratitude to the following resources:
- React Native Documentation
- Expo Documentation
- Firebase Documentation
- React Navigation Documentation
ToDoApp-TaskPro serves as a testament to my skills in React Native and mobile app development. It showcases my ability to work with authentication, data management, and navigation in a mobile application. The project highlights my proficiency in using Expo, Firebase, and React Navigation to create a functional and visually appealing user interface.